-thinking,analyzing,dreaming and writing by DENIYA-

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Iqbal Pakula...u made my dream comes true ;)
October 26, 2008

ya ampun...liat dong,gw abs ketemu sapa....he's the dream man yg udh gw ngigo2in slama 2 taon,hahahaha....bermula dari penampilan dia di Malin Kundang sbagai polisi,oh gw inget banget masa2 susah gw waktu itu,tapi siang hari rasanya menjadi indah dgn hadirnya dia menghibur gw,hahahaha...bukannya gw ngefans sm fahri albar or desy ratnasarinya eh malah ngefans sm si ganteng yg satu ini....

trs pulang ke indonesia, saat itu lagi diputer balik hikmah 2....rela deh nongkrong2 jam 2-3 pagi demi liat aktingnya yg kalem namun tetep charming,sampe bermimpi2 ria andai gw menjadi si ana (tamara blezynsky) dalam hikmah 2 itu...yg awalnya disukain sm pak riza(tokoh yg iqbal mainkan di sinet itu) trs sampe akhrnya pak riza ngebantu ana nyelametin keluarganya dr serangan eva yg jahat,heheheh....

kronologis siang hari itu,saat kuberjumpa dgnnya,hahaha....

pada tanggal 22 oktober yg panas,stlah ku menjalani hari yg panjang ke beberapa tempat dgn hrs mengeluarkan energi dan air mata jg (haiyah lebai....) lalu sampailah aku ke pondok indah mall,disana aku ada serangkaian rencana untuk merilekskan diri....stlah berputar2 ria di gramedia,lalu aku menuju ke atas untuk memenuhi hasrat ngidamku pada bakmi Gajah Mada,hohoho...trs di lift yg aku naekin saat itu,ada beberapa anak2 kcil yg menguasai tombol2 lift itu,dan hampir saja aku kejepit karena kurang tangkasnya mereka....lalu stlah aman ngeblok tmpat di paling belakang dlmnya lift itu,trnyata ga langsung ke atas,tapi turun dulu ke ground floor...dan saat itu muncullah yg kuangan2kan sjak 2 taon lalu.....

siang itu dia pake kaos warna hitam dan jeans,lalu dia kliatan kurusan,hohohoh....ilerku kemana2 deh saat itu,jantung berdetak kencanggggg dan mulut terkunci....masih ga percaya dia ada di dpanku,hihihihi.....trs anak2 krucil tadi pada heboh nian karena doi ganteng ini kan emang lg beken2nya di cinta fitri (sori deh,sinet yg satu ini gw skip krn gw pusing sm critanya,hehehe)

yah ternyata doi turun di lantai gw naek tadi alias lantai 1,dgn manisnya gw ngikutin dia turun kluar smata2 untuk minta foto bareng aj,hahaha....sayangnya cuma skali pula,duh bego deh gw....maklum,saking paniknya !!! tapi gpp,yg penting daku senangggg....imagine dong,memimpikannya sjak 2 taon lepas ketika aku masih di kuala lumpur, di sebuah ruang tamu apartemenku yg hanya beralaskan karpet busuk dgn tv yg mati segan hidup pun tak mampu....lalu tiba2 muncul di dpan mata.....

ah indahnya siang hari yg panas itu ;)
dan untuk teman2 yg kenal dkat dgnku,psti tau dong....iqbal ini mirip sapa?? hehehe....


posted by -deniya a.ka Siti Daniati- @ 2:04 AM   3 comments
Groundbreaking Thinker or Energetic Doer huh??
October 22, 2008
i buka blog kawan i, so ikut2 cik anna untuk tes kepribadian di http://www.ipersonic.com/
so ini lah result my test,hehe :

My personality type: the groundbreaking thinker. Take the free iPersonic personality test!Groundbreaking Thinkers are charming, enthusiastic persons (pastinya dong...sapa dulu,deniyaaa yg slalu heboh dan charming,hihihi...). They really bubble over with energy and like to take centre stage. They love variety both professionally and privately (iya nih,kadang suka rame2an,kadang suka sndiri aj). Groundbreaking Thinkers tackle changes consistently with their optimism and firm belief in their own abilities (harus dong,kl ga diri sendiri yg ngehadapin,trs siapa lagi yg bs bantu kita?? hehe); they are always on the look-out for improvement possibilities. Their excellent communication skills are of great advantage to them here (makasih,so far so good sih komunikasi ke macem2 orang,asal orangnya ga ribet aj,hehe). They approach the world with curiosity and openness and master new situations with a great deal of talent for improvising and with resourcefulness. Their spare time is taken up with a large number of hobbies; most Groundbreaking Thinkers like to travel (pastinyaaaa....sejak dulu hobi itu paling deniya suka dehhh,apalagi sjak deniya kenal jagoanku...makin cinta travel sebenarnya :) ) in order to gather as many different impressions as possible. This personality type is unbeatable at discovering new possibilities.

In their work, Groundbreaking Thinkers highly rate challenges and diversified tasks (of course,deniya sukaaa hal2 yg menantang). They cannot stand routine and too detailed work (duh bisa mati deh lama2 dikasih hal2 yg rutin dan sama aj setiap harinya). They love to astound others with bold ideas for an original, new project and then leave it up to the others to implement them. Hierarchies, rules and regulations arouse their opposition and they love outsmarting the system. It is vital to them that they enjoy their work; if this is the case, they quickly become pure workaholics. Their creativity best takes effect when they work independently (iya nih,jelek banget kebiasaan yg satu ini,jadi egoistic abisss); but they are very good at motivating others and infecting them with their optimistic nature (makasih,so far sih gitu...bisa nyemangatin orang tanpa kusadari tapi diri sendiri masih gini2 juga,hehe).

Conceptual or advisory activities appeal especially to Groundbreaking Thinkers. It can happen that some people feel somewhat duped by their flexible, spontaneous nature.Their sociability and enterprise ensure that Groundbreaking Thinkers always have a large circle of friends (ah jadi malu nih...bener sih ;) ) and acquaintances in which activity plays an important role. As they are mostly in a good mood, they are popular and very welcome guests. Grumbling and peevishness are unknown to them.

However, they do tend to be a little erratic and unstable when it comes to obligations (paling menyebalkan deh kalo udah konflik2,buat sakit jiwa) and this makes them appear to be unreliable to some.
Groundbreaking Thinkers are very critical and demanding when it comes to picking a partner (hahaha,wht do u mean??ya iya lah,kan buat masa depan,harus pilih yg bener dong) because they look for the ideal relationship and have a very concrete picture of this ideal relationship. Mutual aims in life are very important to them. They do not like compromising and would rather remain alone (sifat ini yg harus deniya enyahkan di masa yg akan datang,mencoba untuk menyingkirkannya tahun ini,tapi ga tuntas nih....terbukti dengan gagalnya my trial relationship with him :( ).
For the partner, it is often a challenge to have a long-term relationship with a Groundbreaking Thinker (insya Allah satu hari nanti pasti datang lah my truly partner,hehehe). Groundbreaking Thinkers need a lot of space and diversity or otherwise they become bored and feel cramped (bener banget,hehe...).

Types who are rather more traditionalistic often have problems with the willingness of Groundbreaking Thinkers to take risks and their often crazy, spontaneous actions (yang jadul2 ke laut aja yahhhh..hehehe!!). However, if one can summon up sufficient flexibility and tolerance for them, one will never be bored in their presence and will always have a loyal and faithful partner (pastinya dong,ga nyesel kok jadiin deniya as ur partner,hehehe)

Adjectives which describe your type (bener semua nehhh)
extroverted, theoretical, logical, spontaneous, rational, innovative, intellectual, open, independent, curious, enterprising, analytical, clever, enthusiastic, venturesome, inventive, energetic, sociable, optimistic, non-conformist, creative, freedom-loving, charming, able to get enthusiastic, self-confident, communicative, capricious, inconsistent, outgoing

These subjects could interest you (ini juga bener semuaaa walau ga totally loved it but yeah i like it anyway)
documentaries, books, talks, museums, computer, Internet, strategy games, politics, drawing/painting

Sempet nyoba lagi tes itu,eh kok mendadak jadi ED alias Energetic Doers....coba kita liat yah banyakan mana cocoknya dibanding sama Groundbreaking Thinker,hehe...

Energetic Doers are cheerful and spontaneous persons (o yeahh,deniya kan slalu heboh dan spontanitas abisss). They are charming and full of energy and real persons of action (orang2 bilang aku slalu bersemangat,am i?? haha). They keep a clear head and the overview even in difficult situations (yang ini aku suka bodoh sikit lah,haha..yg susah2 biasanya otak langsung ga clear). This makes them popular problem solvers (tapi ada beberapa kesempatan,aku cepet juga selesaikan masalah). Their ability of being able to absorb and process information is phenomenal(deniya bisa mengingat hal2 yg orang ga ingat,hahaha). Energetic Doers also have strong powers of observation and a keen sense when dealing with other people. They are very perceptive, witty and clever. They have a natural ability of convincing others of their point of view (hehe biasanya sih gitu,tapi deniya suka bertenggang rasa terlalu banyak,jadi slalu kasi ksempatan utk orang berpendapat juga).

Energetic Doers live completely in the here and now and make spontaneous decisions from one moment to the next (gue cinta banget jadi orang yg spontanan,krn hasilnya lebih kinclonggg). They love being together with other people and are sensuous, lively and amusing conversationalists (ini kalo mood gue lagi okehhhh,tapi kalo mood gue lagi jelek ky skarang2,gue bisa jadi beast,hehe). It is no problem for them to be the effervescent centre of attention at a party and they are generous, skilful and good hosts (yeah dgn catatan kalo mood deniya lagi oke,hehehe). They do not brood over consequences for long; they quickly grasp all the relevant facts, make a pragmatic decision and enforce that decision vigorously. Should a decision later turn out to have been wrong, one can always make new plans.

Energetic Doers magically attract fun and action (pastinya,kan hidup cumen skali saja). They need the kick - as far as possible with other people. Many representatives of this type have dangerous hobbies (karena deniya cinta sesuatu yg menantang) or go in for extreme sports. They quite consciously put themselves in dangerous situations again and again. At work too, Energetic Doers seek fun and variety above all (harus dong,biar ga cepet bosen). They are bored to death by routine, safety and calculability (duh mati aja deh kalo disuruh yg rutin2,hehe). Crises are their elixir of life and really bring their strong points to light. They react to new challenges flexibly and effectively (oh pastinya,setiap tantangan haruslah dijawab,itulah deniya). They gain their confidence from their imperturbable self-assuredness that they will be able to cope with them (deniya bisa jadi lebih confident ketika bisa melakukan hal2 yg orang biasa ga lakukan,hahahaha). Energetic Doers prefer practical activities which lead to visible results rather than theoretical fields of work(hari ini gitu lhoooo,mana ada yg teori2an,smua haruslah dgn praktek baru itu ada bukti namanya). Endless discussions with colleagues quickly get on their nerves and they do not have the patience for interpersonal niceties. They say how something has to be done and that’s that!

Energetic Doers keep their friends in suspense with their wit, esprit and quickness in repartee. They mostly have a large circle of friends and acquaintances but often remain non-committal in their relationships (yup bener banget,deniya ga suka terikat di 1 grup saja,hehe...). They expect a great deal of reliability and tolerance from their really good friends but are also willing to give the same to them (nah point ini yg suka buat deniya berantem sama teman2 dekatnya,hehehe). However, due to their spontaneous nature, they always remain a little surprising and unpredictable, also for their partners (orang2 terdekat gw suka pusing liat perubahan2 gw yg mendadak2,haha). Energetic Doers need a lot of space and time to themselves (pastinya donggg...); they quickly feel hemmed in if their partners cling too strongly to them. But if you give them plenty of leeway, they are generous, cheerful and extremely imaginative life companions with whom you can have a lot of fun and enjoy life to the full. They do not avoid conflicts but address them openly and sometimes sparks can really fly. But this is typical for Energetic Doers and, afterwards, they are all the more devoted and loving.

Adjectives which describe your type (ada yg iya,ada yg ga neh,hehe)

extroverted, practical, logical, spontaneous, resolved, direct, objective, conscientious, attentive,likes taking risks, cheerful, impulsive, optimistic, sociable, enthusing, full of the joys of life, aggressive, inconsiderate, dynamic, lively, rash, competition-oriented, action-loving, energetic, charming, superior, solution-oriented, adventurous, go-ahead, changeable, outgoing

These subjects could interest you (I like it most of this also...)

sport, going out, parties, travel, riding a motorbike, action, music, trekking, camping, hiking, literature, writing, strategy games, politics


posted by -deniya a.ka Siti Daniati- @ 2:14 AM   1 comments
10thn lalu dan skarang...aku Bukan Pujangga katanya Base Jam,hehe...
ya ampun,berasa tua yah kl inget2 dh 10thn lalu sjak saat2 gw menggilai vklip ini juga band ini,hehehehe (gw udh groupies sjak dahulu baheula booo)....ah sial,gw sempat menitikkan air mata bukan karena vklip ini ngingetin gw kenangan 10thn lalu tapi di vklip ini ada tempat kenang2an jalan2 terakhir gw sama jagoan gw :(


posted by -deniya a.ka Siti Daniati- @ 12:36 AM   0 comments
San Fransisco....wait for me,ok!!
October 20, 2008

just being so insane,making fly away my mind so far to the place called SAN FRANSISCO...its not SF cafe,ok??!! its really a city tht located in bay area of california state....
Actually,i've been there long time ago...when i was kids,its been almost 25 years back anyway but believe me i still remember most of the memories when i was there....
i was 4 years old at that time,its such an unforgetable moment one coz im still the only kid in my family,i also still the only grandchild from my opa and oma....our destination last time was visiting oom mardy (mama's brother) who stayed and studied there in hayward...gosh,how lucky he is anyway until now also,huhuhu...

nowadays during my depressed time coz thinking about my life,suddenly i was thinking tht one day tht should be great if i can stay there...yes,in San Fransisco...i keep picture it on my mind nowadays,its great coz i can feel a lil bit relief during my tension time lately...i want try to grow my faith about it tht one day i might possible shifted there, of course with my dad also...wow there should be a great time for him who already worked during his 40yrs of his life...

i got certain plan already for my life, i know tht some of it doesnt work,seems like God loving me so much coz He keep tested my faith for Him :)....well,even the economic condition getting harder nowadays,even america bcomes collaps one day but i believe there's nothing impossible in this world...


posted by -deniya a.ka Siti Daniati- @ 1:50 AM   0 comments
Adrian MONK, your are my hero...
October 17, 2008

just being crazy a lot with MONK series..

seseorang yg nampak aneh di kehidupan sehari2 karena berjuta phobia yg dimilikinya namun diciptakan genius untuk memecahkan kasus2 kriminal yang orang biasa pun belum tentu dapat selesaikannya....cara pemecahan kasusnya pun cenderung Sersan (serius tapi santai) bahkan cenderung lucu....dibantu Sharona (season 1-3) & Natalie (season 3-present),baby sitternya yg merangkap sbagai assistennya...lalu ada juga Captain Leland Stolemeyer yang mudah naik darah namun seorang yg bertanggung jawab sbenarnya dan ada juga Lietenant Randy Disher yg tokohnya disini suka pin-pin bo,hehehe....pokoknya lengkap lah antara serius,lucu,menyentuh,seru juga very2 inspirational in every episodes....o ya, ga dilupakan juga betapa Monk sangat mencintai mendiang istrinya Trudy yg meninggal karena car bomb....sepanjang hidupnya dia habiskan untuk berperang melawan kejahatan dan juga terus saja meneliti siapa dalang dari pembunuhan istrinya itu....

serial ini banyak skali mengajarkanku utk terus berjuang dan smangat dgn sgala kekurangan yang aku ada, dan sgala ulahnya slama di serial ini totally killing my stress lately...bole dikatakan skarang ini sdang mengalami MONK addicted,sampai aku pun berangan2 tinggal di San Fransisco...atleast one day hope i got a time to go again to tht beautiful city in America...

really2 recommended people to watch this serial !!! pokoknya ga bosen untuk ditonton berkali2 dan ga harus takut ketagihan sampe ga bisa berenti nonton kalo DVD nya belum abis semua,hehehe...

5 stars absolutely for this great detective serials ever....
posted by -deniya a.ka Siti Daniati- @ 4:09 AM   1 comments
harapan yang tertunda
October 02, 2008

akhir2 ini spt terserang sakit jiwa yg amat sangat...keadaan tidak bersahabat sana-sini...hati yg hancur only God knows...tell me why,tell me why...i also dunno...
berawal dari pertengahan September yg kelabu,sebuah pertikaian tak terduga dgn dia yg kusayang...ku tlah salah slama ini,krn sempat merindukan pertikaian2 itu yg dulu kupikir sebuah tahap dimana kita lebih saling mengenali satu sama lain...namun ternyata kita tak pernah saling betul2 memahami....
sabtu lalu saat diri ini sudah blajar jadi lebih tenang dan memahami keadaan sulit itu,lalu datang kembali berita tak terduga...sukses buat aku sakit jiwa balik saat itu...selain sakit pikiran tapi sakit juga fisikku yg ga biasa2nya 2hari sampai ga bisa bangun...ya ya,cercalah aku...katakan lah wahai dunia kalau semua adalah salahku!!! siksa aku lebih dalam dgn semua memori2 indah itu...tapi juga siksalah aku dgn memori2 ga baik itu juga...semua bak kutukan,bak karma ntah bak apalagi...sakit memanglah sakit,tapi aku masih menginginkannya kembali...
lalu pasca sgala saat2 menyakitkan itu,skarang ku dihantui dgn mimpi2 aneh...mimpi yg ga kenal waktu swaktu kapan aku mulai bermimpinya namun mimpi2 itu terasa nyata...bermula dari mimpi yg berhubungan dgn mamanya Fedi...tiba2 rasa dekat skali dgn mama Titi itu,jadi pengen minta dipeluk sama dia...lalu sampai mimpi datang tiba2 di sebuah pulau hantu,tergambar jelas bahwa hanya aku saja yg orang bneran,trnyata teman2 seperjalananku yg laen semuanya sudah menjadi hantu...tapi ketika aku sholat,semua menjauh dan ikut sujud ketika kusujud,subhanallah!! aku ingat lagi saat bibirku komat-kamit membaca iftitah,toleh kiri kanan dan diakhiri dgn mengusap wajahku....astaghfirullah,merinding kl inget...itu blm sberapa,msh bnyak lagi mimpi2 aneh menghantuiku...ada apa ya denganku?? :( apa karena bulan puasa udh slesai,trs setan2 mulai gentayangan lagi,hiks...
Belum lagi disambung dgn mimpi yg jagoanku datang dgn Lucy ke rumahku atau mimpi smalam saat aku dan jagoanku pergi ke sbuah desa Betawi,disana dia masih ingat utk menjagaku...oh gosh,ada apa denganku?? aku rasa sulit skali membuangnya dr ingatanku,yg akhrnya jadi bermunculan mimpi2 aneh itu...aku pun rasa kali ini sulit utk diperbaiki,ga spt pertikaian2 biasa kami...aku sangat merindukannya,ya Allah...sgala hal di skitar tlah mengingatkanku kpadanya...ya Allah,jika aku msh diberi ksempatan,kan kutebus sgala salah di masa lampau...fine kl aku hrs mundur skarang,but then one day I'LL BE BACK !!


posted by -deniya a.ka Siti Daniati- @ 5:56 PM   1 comments
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Name: -deniya a.ka Siti Daniati-
Home: Bintaro Jaya, Indonesia
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